Online Bible Study: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament
When times are crazy, it helps to remember God’s faithfulness to fulfill his promises about Jesus’s first coming. That’s because it assures us he’ll fulfill his promises about Jesus’s second coming. Join me in a new online study of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament! Your faith will soar as you discover how the Old Testament unfolds God’s incredible plan. And your hope will rise as you grasp his promises for you when Jesus returns.

We Will Not Fear
"We will not fear," the Psalms tell us. Yet these are difficult times. My girlfriend just texted me for prayer—her sister has surgery today for breast cancer, but their widowed mother can’t visit because she’s at high risk for coronavirus. My brother-in-law has an inoperable brain tumor, and out-of-state family can no longer visit. At the same time, his ability to use technology is fading. Additionally, my husband is losing his job for reasons unrelated to COVID-19, but so are millions of others due to shelter-in-place mandates.
So what is our hope during a worldwide crisis? How do we not fear?
Psalm 46 tells us.

Why Jews Thought the Messiah Would Be Different
Christians often wonder why so many Jews didn’t recognize
that Jesus was the Messiah. As one gal put it, “How could they miss it when it’s
so obvious?”
There are a number of reasons, but one was that Jesus wasn’t what the Jews…

14 Verses That Will Give You Peace
Need peace? Here are 14 verses to help. Adapted from Discovering Joy in Philippians.
Assurance of Salvation
It's common for new Christians to doubt their salvation, but these verses can bring peace.
But to all who did receive him,…

Favorite Fiction from Last Year
Are you looking for good, clean fiction to read next year? I read a stack of novels every year, so let me recommend a few of my favorites from last year, from classical literature to science fiction to mysteries to thrillers.
Last year I…

A Christmas Poem
Merry Christmas! I've written a Christmas poem below to celebrate when the Word of God became flesh and was born among us. You can read it below or you can download a printable copy here. The Christmas poem is based on the Gospel narratives.…

Christians Need the Bible’s Big Picture
I took oil painting lessons from my mother-in-law, Rae, who was a former Disney artist. (The painting displayed in this post is her work. Sadly, we lost my paintings in a move.) Each week she critiqued my progress and told me what to work on…

5 Things Christians Should Know about Omnipresence
It’s no surprise that when I was a child, I didn’t know the word omnipresence. In fact, I pictured God as a bald man with just a fringe of short dark hair behind his ears. I thought he lived above the sky and occasionally poked his head…
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