This press kit for Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs contains everything an interviewer or journalist needs, including suggested interview questions.
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- Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs
- Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones & Karla Dornacher
- July 11, 2023
- Available at,, Barnes & Noble, Lifeway
- 978-0-7369-8147-7
- $22.99
- 224 pages
- Old Testament Bible Study (Books); Christian Bible Study Guides (Books)
Promotional Info
Back Cover Copy
“Walk with the Wise and Become Wise.”
–Proverbs 13:20
Though it was penned thousands of years ago, the book of Proverbs offers a wealth of guidance that helps you live well today. From the team behind the beloved Discovering the Bible series, this interactive Bible study helps you apply the Old Testament’s evergreen advice for developing a God-honoring character that blesses you, your family, and your community.
As you’re led to examine what Proverbs says about topics such as noney, sexuality, and relationships, you’ll grow in adoration for God’s wisdom and compassion. You’ll also find
- encouraging insights from authors Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones, and Karla Dornacher on the life-changing impact of studying Proverbs
- enriching contextual information about the people and cuture that are in the background of this frequently quoted book
- engaging activities, incuding whimsical illustrations for coloring, thoughtful prompts for reflection, and creative invitations to connect with God
Perfect for using on your own or with a group, Discoverug Wisdom in Proverbs is a unique way to immerse your heart in everlasting truth. Delight in God’s counsel and support as you connect spiritually, intellectually, and creatively to this incredible book of the Bible!
Continue the Discovering Bible series with Pam, Jean E., and Karla
- Discovering Hope in the Psalms
- Discovering Joy in Philippians
- Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament
- Discovering Good News in John
Experience the Old Testament’s evergreen advice for developing God-honoring character with “Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs” #DiscoveringWisdom
Examine what Proverbs says about money, sexuality, and relationships in “Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs” #DiscoveringWisdom
“Walk with the wise and become wise” (Proverbs 13:20) #DiscoveringWisdom
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Interview Questions
Here are two lists of questions, one for an apologetics-themed interview and the other for a family-themed show. A few questions are in both.
Apologetics Theme
- Why did you want to write this book?
- Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Many Christians are confused by this because they think that contradicts 1 John 4:18, which says, “perfect love casts out all fear.”
- What does the fear of the Lord being the beginning of wisdom tell us about seeking counsel from non-Christians?
- Proverbs 19:3 says, “When a man’s folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord.” Why is this important to recognize when we’re talking to people about why God allows disasters like hurricanes and floods?
- Some proverbs appear to promise things that aren’t always the case. For example, Proverbs 16:7 says, “When the ways of people please the Lord, he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them.” But Jesus pleased the Lord, and his enemies killed him. Should we read Proverbs as promises?
- Paul wrote in Romans 3:30 that no one is righteous. But Proverbs calls some people righteous. Is that a contradiction?
- There’s a modern-day proverb that says, “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” What does Proverbs say about that?
- Many proverbs are about sexual relationships, and our society is sexually charged (if not sexually insane). Christians are often called narrow minded bigots. How would you begin to talk to those who think that?
- Some people are confused over why Hebrews 11:32 puts Jephthah in the list of faithful people. After all, he promised God that if he won a battle, he would sacrifice whatever came out of his house to greet him. That turned out to be his daughter. In your book, you put Jephthah in the category of the simple. Why is that?
- Some proverbs are similar to proverbs of other cultures, so some say Solomon copied them from non-Jewish sources. Is that the case?
- Politicians argue over the best way to deal with poverty, especially with rising homelessness. What does Proverbs say about helping the poor?
- How does Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs help readers engage with Scripture?
Family Theme
- Why did you want to write this book?
- Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Many Christians are confused by this because they think that contradicts 1 John 4:18, which says, “perfect love casts out all fear.”
- What does the fear of the Lord being the beginning of wisdom tell us about seeking counsel from non-Christians?
- Besides fearing the Lord, what else is important for seeking wisdom?
- Some proverbs appear to promise things that aren’t always the case. For example, Proverbs 16:7 says, “When the ways of people please the Lord, he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them.” But Jesus pleased the Lord, and his enemies killed him. Should we read Proverbs as promises?
- How can Proverbs 3:5-6 help Christians facing difficulties?
- Proverbs 7:25 reads, “Let not your heart turn aside to [the seducer’s] ways” What are ways people today are not controlling their hearts?
- Proverbs has a lot to say about raising children. What’s your favorite proverb about childrearing?
- There are a lot of interpretations of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” What’s your take?
- Proverbs 31 paints a picture of the excellent wife. Many women find this chapter discouraging. What do you say to them?
- Proverbs 17:9 reads, “Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.” How have you applied that to your relationships?
- Proverbs talks about handing money wisely to protect the family. Some proverbs about money use words that people aren’t familiar with, such as “surety.” What is surety and how does it apply today?
- How does Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs help readers engage with Scripture?

There’s no women’s Bible study I recommend more than those in this series! Each time a new one comes out, I’m excited to share it with others, and Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs is no exception. The balance of accessibility and depth makes these studies a perfect fit for anyone who wants to learn more about God’s Word.

Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs is not your average Bible study. It provides historical background, cultural context, and a deep dive into the meanings of words and phrases based on the original language. All of this, combined with teachings about how to apply the insights learned and creative ways to remember them, guarantees another winner from this amazing trio.

Are you looking for wisdom in the middle of a complicated and challenging world? I urge you to gather a few friends together and start a Bible study on Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs. The authors combine their best skills to lead you in an in-depth exploration of this book that includes practical applications for life and creative artistry that will be an ongoing reminder of what you have learned. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible girl or new in your faith, you’ll find life-changing answers in this book.

I have always been magnetically attracted to the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament. It sets forth ancient wisdom that was meant to be passed from generation to generation. One of the most refreshing approaches to study Proverbs in our new generation is this new volume by Farrel, Jones, and Dornacher. Not only do they distill and explain the wisdom of Proverbs, but they also present their study with style and beauty that enhances the whole experience. If your church or Bible study group is looking for a study that will generate measurable results in people’s lives, then Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs is the perfect choice.

As a culture, we are saturated in information but starving for wisdom. This creative and meaningful Bible study holds the cure–helping us dive into the ultimate wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. This talented team has discovered how to combine rich Bible study with beautiful art and stories. Pam, Jean, and Karla have done it again!

What do you get when you combine the artistic talent of Karla Dornacher, the in-depth expository teaching of Jean Jones, and the practical application steps of Pam Farrell into one Bible study? A fun and unique dive into Scripture that is neither stuffy nor fluffy. This study will help you have the godly wisdom you have always longed for.

As a church prayer coordinator, I often receive prayer requests to send out to our prayer team that ask for wisdom for decisions or complicated relationship issues. God’s Word is filled with wisdom that can guide our hearts, minds, and souls. So I was delighted to see that the newest Bible study in the Discovering the Bible series is Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs. I love everything about this book and this whole series–the strong teaching, the questions that make me dig into Scripture, the personal reflections, and the varied opportunities to express myself creatively. As with the earlier Bible studies in this series, this new one truly teaches the book of Proverbs, and readers will grow in faith and understanding as they dig into its richness. I recommend it highly!

As I read Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs, I quickly realized that I was devouring a gourmet multicourse meal. From the luscious appetizer right through to the tasty dessert, no delicious word is wasted in this amazing approach to studying the Word of God. As a Bible teacher, I diligently search for books that will enhance my personal study as well as strengthen my faith–this is such a book. I especially loved the complementary Scriptures that were developed in each day’s work. This book is at once joyful, wise, and challenging.
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Janet McHenry — Looking Up!
July 2023
It’s my pleasure then to share with you one of [Pam Farrel’s] new releases, Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs, written with Bible scholar Jean E. Jones and beautifully illustrated by artist Karla Dornacher. What I love about this particular study is that I could choose one of ten different areas–such as sex, calling, adversity, money, direction–and jump right to that chapter for God’s counsel. This unique Bible study series also has fun coloring pages that enhance the solid teaching material. I recommend this and the four others in this series: